My two most recent projects seem to have taken me away from blogging lately. I can’t believe how long I let my blog go without writing. Color me embarrassed. One of the projects I’ve been letting occupy all my blogging time is that I signed up for one of the Mastering Genealogical Proof Standard study groups. It was a very good course and I highly recommend the study groups for all genealogists. The groups work through the book “Mastering Genealogical Proof” by Thomas W. Jones and participate in discussions about the items covered in the book. It was a great opportunity for me to continue expanding my genealogical knowledge-base. I learned a lot about the standards I should be employing in my genealogy research and was happy to see that I had actually been unknowingly trying to incorporate some of the recommendations made by Jones into my current research. Of course, that does jut create another project LOL. I need to review all my proof and make sure it meets the GPS. While some of it might, most of it probably does not.
The other project I’ve been allowing to occupy my blogging time has been the DNA test I took several months ago. Not being a very technically-minded person I’ve set my sights on learning more about DNA for genealogy and how to understand the results I received from my test. It’s been very interesting so far. My test was originally taken with AncestryDNA but I’ve uploaded my matches to GedMatch as well and have been playing around with the tools available on GedMatch. (reference GedMatch blog posts) I’ve seen several people talk about FTDNA’s transfer option so I’m considering the possibility of uploading my results to FTDNA as well and see what kind of matches I get there.
What projects are currently occupying all of your time? 😉