As Julie Andrews sang in “The Sound of Music”: “Let’s start at the very beginning, it’s a very good place to start…”
I’ve wondered about blogs, read blogs, shared interesting blog posts with friends, wished I had the ability to write a blog post, seriously considered writing a blog post and then convinced myself no one would read it anyway and decided to not write a blog post, read some more blogs, got serious about reading blogs I found to be interesting and finally (with the help of some very special people – ahem, D1 and a certain group of ‘Bugs!) finally decided to take the plunge and, as Nike so eloquently put it, “Just Do It!”
So this is it. The ramblings of an amateur genealogist, history buff, amateur photographer and avid scrapbooker laid out for all the World Wide Web to see. May these musings be of some interest and assistance to you out there in Virtual World. I hope to make this a mix of my personal genealogical journey (with all its successes and wrong turns), bits of history and other odds and end.
Currently I’m working on gathering documentation to support my application for the Daughters of the American Revolution, trying to either prove (or disprove) a verbal history of a possible Native America connection in my family that my grandfather passed down and reviewing some family tree database apps for the iPad. I hope to have a series of posts about those iPad apps up starting in the next week or so. I’m very excited about the iPad apps I’ve been reviewing. I think there’s some good stuff out there.
And in case you’re wondering about the name of the blog, check out my About Me page. There’s an explanation of where Talking Box Genealogy came from 😉