Hello, my name is Danni and I’m a genealogy addict and history buff.
My interest in genealogy was cultivated from an early age. My maternal grandparents both were regular participants in transcription through their church and when I stayed with them during summer breaks from school I would end up at the Family History Center with them. It was inevitable that I would be bitten by the genea-bug as well. Add to that some great family vacations with said grandparents where we would stop at many historic places and I was doomed from the beginning. Not that I ever really cared that I was doomed. I always seemed to love kicking around historic sites, sitting in libraries, learning about things from the past and hearing family stories. Some of my favorite movies from when I was a child were movies that my grandparents had taken of their kids growing up.
Yep, I was doomed from birth.
I took a break from the genealogy hunt while I went to school, had a child and got married by I was recently bitten by the genea-bug again and jumped into the search head first. I stumbled upon some great genealogy blogs, which led me to some great webinars and classes and eventually I started tossing around the idea of starting to blog about my genealogical journey. I chewed on that idea for awhile and, at the encouragement of my wonderful husband (also a Danny) and a fantastic group of wild and crazy women (you ‘Bugs know who you are!), this blog is what emerged from that idea.
My family is one of a kind and I’m truly blessed to have them. I’m married to a wonderfully patient husband and have one son who is unbelievably unique in his own right. I can’t imagine what my life would be like without them. Also part of my family are the furbabies who share a home with us. I have two Siberian Huskies: Maverick and Wyatt Earp, and two crazy, formerly feral cats: Mata Hari and Ghengis Khan. Rob Roy “Red” McGregor was a resident with me until my son decided it was time for Red to go to live with him.
Me and My Crazy Family Rob Roy “Red” McGregor Mata Hari Maverick Ghengis Khan Wyatt Earp
I’ve also been blessed by several other furbabies who have chosen to join my household in the past.
Black Jack Ketchum Lizzie Borden Doc Holliday Clyde
Thanks so much for stopping by. Take some time, look around and let me know if I can help you out. If you suspect we might be related, what are you waiting for?! Contact me already! Constructive comments are always appreciated.